What is it that examiners predestinate?
In addition to a level 3 certification in the method and sector in which the examiners hold the examination, they should have social skills as well. Examiners normally receive an instruction from the certification body, have to successfully complete 2 observations and are regularly supervised afterwards.
What does certification of personnel mean?
Validation of qualification; certificates can be issued as single documents or wallet cards. Certification bodies also offer a verification online in order to prevent falsified certificates: www.sector-cert.com/zertcheck.
Will examinations be adjusted?
This is only possible to the extent that is intended for an unlimited examination, e. g. for automatized examinations.
Can I trust an independent certification?
Independent certification bodies which are accredited, are subject to high requirements. Qualifications recognized by these accredited bodies result from the state of the art technical rules. The examinations serve as a possibility to check the application skills. The accreditation's confirmation makes sure that those examinations are fairly and correctly executed and a high level is maintained at all times. That's why the question can be answered: "YES".
What is the procedure of qualification examinations?
1. Welcome by the examiner and his team
2. Distribution of examination rules which have to be understood and signed
3. Check of identity and collecting the examination rules (please bring along an official document that proves your identity - without that you possibly might be excluded from the examination)
4. Explaining the documentation on the response sheet as well as announcing the examination times
5. Distribution of corresponding exercise sheets and collection of those after the corresponding ends of examinations
6. The examiner normally evaluates the examinations directly afterwards and will let you know your preliminary result at the end of your examination.
Why do we sometimes require more training hours?
The DIN EN ISO 9712 standard only defines minimum requirements. Experience definiert nur Mindestanforderungen. However, past experience has revealed that in some cases, these requirements are not sufficient in order to qualify NDT personnel accordingly.
How many accredited certification bodies for NDT are there in Europe?
As of 2010 there are 323 bodies which are accredited for certification of personnel. Please watch out because all bodies are enclosed which certify personnel - from solarium operator to personnel for NDT.
At the moment there are 4 bodies in Germany which are accredited by the DAkkS for certifications according to DIN EN ISO 9712 - SECTOR Cert, DPZ, TÜV Nord (North) and TÜV Rheinland (Rhineland). For the European Directive for Pressure Equipment (PED) SECTOR Cert is accredited by the ZLS alongside DPZ, TÜV Nord and other bodies.
What does accreditation mean?
It is issued either by a public or a private body. In Germany we have the DAkkS (German Accreditation Body) and the ZLS (Central Body of the Federal States for Safety Engineering). The DAkkS confirms that the requirements of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024 and DIN EN ISO 9712 are met. The ZLS monitors the requirements of the European Directive for Pressure Equipment (PED). Therefore the accreditation certificate is the objective evidence that the requirements are met.
What is required for the qualification of NDT personnel?
It essentially is required:
• evidence of satisfactory vision both for near vision and colour vision
• qualification
• theoretical and practical examination
• work experience.
30.10.2024, 13:00-16:00, Kranz Parkhotel, Siegburg
30.10.2024, 9:00 - 12:00, Kranz Parkhotel, Siegburg
29.10.2024, 13:00 - 18:00, Kranz Parkhotel, Siegburg