This imprint applies to these websites and also to our Facebook profile at
SECTOR Cert - Gesellschaft für Zertifizierung GmbH
Am Turm 24
53721 Siegburg
Phone: +49 2241 26682-00
Fax: +49 2241 26682-99
E-mail: info(at)
Management of the company: Dr. Achim Jung
Responsible court: Local Court Siegburg
Companies Registry number: HRB 15579
Value added tax identification number according to § 27 a Value Added Tax Act:
DE 159 849 331
Responsible for the content: Dr. Achim Jung
Copyright on all photos belong to:
K. Roland Berger
Terms of use
The following terms of use between SECTOR Cert and you as the user of these websites apply. The use is only permitted if you as the user accept these terms of use.
Liability for content
As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these sites. However, we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor or, according to circumstances, to research information transmitted or stored by third parties which may indicate any illegal activity. The obligations to remove or block the use of information according to general laws remain unaffected by this. However, liability in this regard is only possible after the time when we became aware of specific violations of the law. We will remove the content immediately after we become aware of the corresponding violations of law.
Responsibilities as a user of our Facebook page
1. You as a user are obliged to publish no postings or comments which infringe either the rules laid down here, the good manners or any applicable German law. You are particularly obliged to refrain from insulting others and to publish no untruths and legally protected content without permission and to refrain from behaving in an anti-competitive way.
2. SECTOR Cert will be entitled to delete postings and comments if these may infringe laws.
3. Your postings and topics can be detected by search engines, which means that your content may become accessible worldwide. You as a user are obliged to check your postings and comments before publishing in order to make sure that they do not contain any information that you do not want to be published. Any claims for deleting or revising such content on SECTOR Cert are excluded.
4. If the event takes place that SECTOR Cert is held liable by a third party because of content published by you or because of the use of our Facebook page by your using it, you will be obliged to waive all claims against SECTOR Cert, especially claims for damages. You will be obliged to reimburse SECTOR Cert all charges which may arise from your legal infringements by using our Facebook page. SECTOR Cert will be particularly exempt from the charges of possible legal expenses. SECTOR Cert will be entitled to demand an appropriate advance payment from you as the user for the charges of possible legal expenses. You as the user will be obliged to support SECTOR Cert in good faith with all information and documents in a legal dispute with third parties. The preceding obligations shall not apply, if you as a user are not responsible for the legal infringement. Any further claims for damages from SECTOR Cert remain unaffected.
Liability for links
These sites contain links to external websites of third parties but we do not have influence over their content. Therefore, we cannot assume any liability for these third parties' content. The respective provider or operator of these sites remains responsible for the content of the linked sites at all times. The linked sites were checked for possible legal infringements at the time the link was created. No illegal content could be identified at the time the link was created. However, it is not reasonable to expect inspecting the content of the linked sites permanently without any specific indicators of a legal infringement. We will remove those links immediately as soon as we become aware of the legal infringements.
Copyright law and related rights
The content created by website operators and the works in these sites are subject to German copyright law. Copying, editing, distributing and any other way of using outside the boundaries of copyright law require the written consent of the respetive author or originator. Downloads and copies of this website are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. The copyright of third parties is recognized as far as the content on this website is not created by the operator. Content of third parties is particularly indicated as such. If you should notice an infringement of copyright nevertheless, please do let us know accordingly. We will remove any relevant content immediately as soon as we become aware of legal infringements.
30.10.2024, 13:00-16:00, Kranz Parkhotel, Siegburg
30.10.2024, 9:00 - 12:00, Kranz Parkhotel, Siegburg
29.10.2024, 13:00 - 18:00, Kranz Parkhotel, Siegburg