Tuesday 17. of January 2023
International Working Group Germany
D. Kaiser, Ch. Kringe, J. Beji, H. Haßdenteufel, P. Chavdarov, V. Pohl, O. Schmitz (l→r)
The VECTOR TUB in Hattingen has hosted the International Working Group Germany (IWG), a sub-working group of the Committee for the ASEM Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section V, NDT (B&PVC Sec. V) sinde 2022. One task of the IWG is to participate in the further development of the B&PVC Sec. V by technical expert members. The IWG members are mainly, but not exclusively, from German speaking countries. At SECTOR Cert in Siegburg, they discussed possible strategies to increase awareness of the IWG with Chair Dr. Parvan Chavdarov and Vice Chair Christoph Kringe. The IWG would like to encourage users of B&PVC to participate in the quarterly experience exchanges. Members and guests are encouraged to bring new developments, interpretations, and an understanding of the B&PVC to their companies, as the next issue of the B&PVC will be published as early as July 2023. As always, implementing code changes in the companies' manuals and Written Practices will be a challenge, and the IWG would like to assist users with their experiences. Interested in participating? Please send an email to the chair: Dr. Parvan Chavdarov
30.10.2024, 13:00-16:00, Kranz Parkhotel, Siegburg
30.10.2024, 9:00 - 12:00, Kranz Parkhotel, Siegburg
29.10.2024, 13:00 - 18:00, Kranz Parkhotel, Siegburg