Requirements for a certifcation

Your certificate will be issued upon a segregated certification application if all requirements for certification are fulfilled.
Help us to process your certificates quickly by filling in all the necessary information of the application form.
If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can either call us on +49 2241 26682-00 or send an e-mail to us.
Documentation of Recognized Training
In order to be certified you have to demonstrate to us that you have completed a training recognized by SECTOR Cert in the corresponding method and level / category
Therefore the required minimum training hours in each method and for each level / category have to be demonstrated.
Training courses have to cover the training contents recognized and approved by our technical committees. Training courses at our recognized locations are monitored regarding the compliance with our requirements. Those training courses that are not monitored by us generally have to be examined for every candidate to ensure that the requirements are met.
Training contents and minimum training hours for each level are listed on the corresponding method page.
Proof of passing a qualifying Exam
The scope of the examination and the examination procedure for the respective level / category according to the certification program are listed at the methods.
Demonstration of period of experience
In order to be certified it is necessary to provide a period of experience in the submitted method and field of application. Our required minimum period of experience can be found here.
Your employer has to confirm the period of experience on the certification application.
If you aim at a certification in the regulated area (Directive for Pressure Equipment, PED), a demonstration of NDT experience in the field of pressure equipment in the last five years is necessary. This experience has to be confirmed by the employer on the application for certification as well.
Physical attributes (DIN EN ISO 9712)
According to DIN EN ISO 9712 (chapter 7.4) you need an annual documentary evidence of satisfactory vision. This can be confirmed by an ophthalmologist, an optician or another medical approved person. The evidence needs to be deposited at your employer.
The following requirements apply:
a) near vision must be adequate to read Jaeger-No-1-letters or Times New Roman 4.5 or equivalent letters (height 1,6 mm) at a distance of not less than 30 cm with at least one eye, with or without corrective lenses.
b) colour vision must be adequate to identify and differentiate contrasts between colours or shades of grey depending on the NDT method used and as specified by the employer.
The Certification Body may accept appropriate alternatives. You can find template of approved visual acuity tests on our website or if you have any doubts, please give us a call on +49 2241 26682-00.
Obeying the principles of professional ethics
In order to have a valid SECTOR Cert certificate it is required to obey to the principles of professional ethics. The certificate remains the Certification Body's property. If the principles of professional ethics are infringed, SECTOR Cert will have the right to suspend or withdraw the certificate at any time.
Recognition of third-party certificates
In principle, sectorcert® recognizes valid certificates issued by other accredited certificaton bodies (e.g. for admission to the recertification examination, or entry into level 3). For recognition, issued certificates must refer to the accreditation and clearly name the accredited certification program.
Changing employment relationship
The certificate holder is obliged to let the Certification Body know immediately if the employment relationship has ended/changed.
09-04-2025, 10:00-15:00, Hotel Moxy Airport Cologne Bonn
on 20-11-2025, 10:00-15:00, SECTOR Cert GmbH / via MS Teams